

Tuesday 13 August 2013

Documentation of Best practices in Nutrition Programme Vacancy at Save the Children in mandera/wajir in Kenya

Post:Documentation of Best practices in Nutrition ProgrammeOrganization:    Save the Children
Location:  mandera/wajir
Career categories:    Monitoring and Evaluation
Country:    Kenya
Theme:    Food and Nutrition
Job years of experience:    3-5 years

Job type:    Consultancy

Background Information

Save the Children is the world's largest independent organization for children, making a difference to children's lives in over 120 countries. We deliver immediate and lasting improvements to children's lives worldwide. Save the Children listens to children, involves children and ensures their views are taken into account. Save the Children secures and protects children's rights - to food, shelter, healthcare, education and freedom from violence, abuse and exploitation.

Our vision is a world in which every child attains the right to survival, protection, development and participation.

Our mission is to inspire breakthroughs in the way the world treats children, and to achieve immediate and lasting change in their lives.

Save the Children has been operational in Kenya for more than 20 years, working on four core thematic areas: right to Health, right to Freedom from Hunger, right to Education and right to Protection. The rights-based approach of our interventions is founded on four interlocking pillars: direct programming, political and policy change, popular mobilization and fundraising. We provide support through both longer term development work and humanitarian relief in emergencies

Save the Children has a strong track record of supporting health systems strengthening through direct interventions, policy analysis and advocacy especially on key building blocks of high-quality health systems namely financing, governance and human resources. As a child rights organization, we are committed to ascertain and follow the priorities of the communities we work with and to increase child and community participation in governance, policy-making and delivery of health services.

Nutrition Programme

Save the Children received co-funding from both ECHO and DFID to support the Ministry of Health (MOH) to implement High Impact Nutrition Interventions (HINI) in Wajir and Mandera Counties starting from 1st July 2012 to 31st December 2013. The support to the MOH is provided in accordance with the new implementation strategy that shifts the responsibility of implementation of HINI programme activities to the Ministry of Health, with technical, logistical and financial support provided by Save the Children. The High Impact Interventions (HINI) are being implemented at both health facilities and hard-to-reach areas.


Save the Children is currently supporting the MOH to implement High Impact Interventions, as adoption of the new strategy of indirect nutrition programme implementation. This process needs to be documented systematically so as to capture key challenges; best practices and lessons learnt which would then be shared with the MOH, Donors and other stakeholders for further scale up to other counties. Ultimately such lessons learnt, best practices and discussions should feed into the review of relevant national nutrition policies and guidelines.

Purpose of the Consultancy

• To document in both narrative and film selected aspects of the current Save the Children nutrition programme in Wajir and Mandera Counties. The review of this documentation by Save the Children will help in the determination of best practices and lessons learnt.

The Scope of Work

The scope of this consultancy includes, but is not limited to, the following:

a) Develop tentative consultancy work-plan
b) Narrative and film documentation of the health and nutrition programmes, focusing on the following areas:

1) Provision of technical support by Save the Children to MoH key nutrition and health staffs

• Advantages of the current implementation strategy over the previous direct implementation.
• What is the sustainability of the HINI activities in the districts?

2) The provision of logistical support to Ministry of Health to deliver High Impact Nutrition Interventions (HINI) in hard-to-reach areas.

• What are the types and quantity of logistical support provided to the Ministry of Health?
• What logistical support is usually provided to MOH?
• How are the monthly vehicle movement plans drawn or prepared and by whom?
• How the supplies (i.e. RUTF) are distributed from the district Hospitals to the rural facilities and who does the D-plan.?
• Is the logistical support provided adequate?

3) The participation of Community Health Workers (CHWs) in the delivery of High Impact Nutrition Interventions in hard-to-reach areas.

• What roles do CHWs perform in the delivery of High Impact Nutrition Interventions and other health interventions?
• What is their level of motivation?
• What are the challenges they face?
• What are their recommendations?
• Perception of CHWs on the partnership with SC and MOH

4) The recruitment and secondment of health workers to support the Ministry of Health in the delivery of High Impact Nutrition Interventions (HINI)

• How was the recruitment conducted?
• What are the mechanisms for remuneration of seconded personnel?
• What are the Ministry’s future plans for the seconded staffs?
• What are the roles and responsibilities of the county government to support the deployment of personnel to the facilities to complement partner’s efforts?
• What advocacy role has SCI participated in at district and county level to ensure adequate staff to support health and nutrition programs in the region?

5) Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition at hard-to-reach areas

• Document the screening and admission processes.
• Document the pre-mixing of CSB and cooking oil.
• Document the provision of IMAM rations at hard-to-reach areas.
• Document emerging issues regarding the stabilization centers
• Document success stories of children admitted in the IMAM program

6) High Impact Nutrition Interventions at Health Facilities

• Document the package (range of services) and integration of High Impact Nutrition Interventions (HINI) at health facilities.
• Document the challenges/lessons learnt by the in-charges who also deliver services in their catchment outreach sites.
• Document the linkages in the integration of health and nutrition services in relation to implementation

7) Mother to mother support groups/care support groups

• How were the MTMSGs formed?
• Which functions do they perform to promote the uptake of the recommended maternal, infant and young child Nutrition (MIYCN) practices?
• What are the motivational factors?
• What have been some of the achievement of MTMSG in the promotion of MIYCN practices as well as hygiene promotion at the community? What impact has the training had in regard to uptake of services and behavior change?
• What has been the role of men in the promotion of MIYCN practices through the care support groups? What impact has it had?
• What are the challenges they face? How are these being addressed?
• What are the sustainability practices? (E.g. are there any successful income-generating activities initiated by the mothers and kitchen gardens etc.)
• What is the role of the community in regard to supporting the MTMSG to provide services?

8) Case Studies

• Document a case study on severely malnourished child with medical complications.
• Document a case study on a malnourished pregnant or lactating mother
• Document case study on successful Mother to Mother support Group.
• Document case studies on the trends and linkages of the program from mobilization, assessments, referral to facilities, interventions, discharges and referral back to community as well as linkages to sustainable strategies ( Nutrition Care Process holistic approach)

    GoK roles and responsibilities including the role of MOH, other line ministries including water and irrigation, Agriculture and the devolved county government.

• What has been the Ministry of Health’s contribution/ role in the nutrition programme?
• What has been the role of the District and County in Advocacy to support health and nutrition interventions?( these includes HRH)
• The role of DHMT in systems strengthening, advocacy and resource mobilization to complement the role of partners in the region?
• What are the overall challenges and what impact have they felt from the Save the Children’s supported programs?

Expected Deliverables

The consultant shall be responsible for:

1) Concise Narrative Report (not more than 50 pages double-spaced, Times New Roman font size 12) on best practices and lessons learnt in the nutrition programme.
2) Film documentary on key areas in the nutrition programme (submitted in 3 or more quality CDs) Support to be provided by Save the Children

Save the Children will provide the following support towards the successful execution of consultancy:

1) Provide logistics to the consultant for field activities.
2) Make arrangements with beneficiaries, community members and partners.
3) Provide translators (if need be)
4) Consultant’s daily rate
5) Avail documents/information relevant to the project context that the consultant might require. Information might also be obtained from programme staff; MOH staff; mother-to-mother support groups; CHWs and beneficiaries through interviews.


This consultancy will be conducted in July 2013 and is expected to last between 8 to 12 days.

Conditions of Work
The exercise will be coordinated from Save the Children field offices in Wajir and Mandera Counties. Save the Children will facilitate the consultant’s travel from Nairobi to the field office and field sites. Save the Children will as well provide administrative, logistics, accommodation, meals and security-related support to ensure smooth implementation of the consultancy. The consultant will be required to abide by the organization’s security procedures as well as other applicable rules and regulations, including the code of conduct. Technical guidance and supervision for the consultant will be provided by the Health and Nutrition Programme Managers and Area Programme Managers.

Consultant’s Profile

1) Knowledge and understanding of community nutrition programmes.
2) Demonstrated experience in conducting similar work (film documentation of best practices) for international non-governmental organizations
3) Knowledge of and experience in arid, semi-arid and pastoralist environments.

Expression of Interest
All interested consultants/firms are requested to write an expression of interest by:

1) Explaining their competences to meet the requirements of the assignment.
2) Provide a detailed professional budget in Kenya Shillings (indicate daily professional rates)
3) Provide tentative work-plan and duration of the assignment and when ready to undertake the assignment. Kindly note that the work-plan might be subject to revision once the consultant has been selected.
4) Provide evidence of similar work undertaken in the recent past (not more than 5 years) .

Please send your application as per attached Expression of interest by email to: .

Please indicate ‘DOCUMENTATION OF BEST PRACTICES’ as the subject heading.
Application deadline: 16th August 2013
Any canvassing will lead to automatic disqualification.
Job ID: #594959
Closing date: 16 Aug 2013
How to Apply


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