

Tuesday 25 February 2014

CDU Scholarships opportunities

Applications for Semester 1, 2014 are now open. CDU Scholarships are open to all students enrolled or intending to enroll at Charles Darwin University in Semester 1, 2014. This includes students studying at the Australian Centre for Indigenous Knowledges and Education (ACIKE). Please remember to visit the CDU Scholarships site regularly as scholarships may be added later in the year.
Scholarships:  Sinclair Knight Merz Environmental Studies Scholarship                    
Amount: $3,000
Sector:Higher Education
Scholarships:  Flynn Family Fund Scholarship      
Amount: $5,000               
Sector:Higher Education
Scholarships:  Top End Native Plant Society Scholarship
Amount: $1,000

Sector:Honours and Masters
Scholarships:  The Cridlands MB Law Scholarship                              
Amount: $5,000
Sector:Higher Education
Scholarships:  Charles See Kee Leadership Scholarship                  
Amount: $14,000
Sector:Higher Education Indigenous
Scholarships:  Toga Indigenous Engineering Scholarship                
Amount: $4,000               
Sector:Higher Education
Scholarships:  The George Brown Memorial Scholarship                               
Amount: $3,000
Sector:VET or Higher Education
Scholarships:  Environmental  Barbara Singer Environmental Studies Scholarship              
Amount: $3,000               
Sector:Higher Education
Scholarships:  The Department of Infrastructure Engineering Scholarship                             
Amount:  $75,000
Sector: Higher Education
Scholarships:  Maddalozzo Engineering Scholarship        
Amount:              $2,500 value (cash and book allowance)               
Sector:Higher Education
Scholarships:  Department of Infrastructure Indigenous Engineering Scholarship              
Amount: $60,000
Sector:Higher Education
Scholarships:  NAB Asian Business Language Scholarship in Commerce or Accounting                     
Amount: $9,000
Sector:Higher Education Arts
Scholarships:  Edgar Dunis Arts Scholarship         
Amount: $5,000               
Sector:VET or Higher Education Construction
Scholarships:  TIO Business Career Pathway Scholarship               
Amount: $15,000             
Sector:Higher Education
Scholarships:  Karmi Dunn-Sceney Scholarship
Amount: $5,000               
Sector: Higher Education
Scholarships:  Chief Minister's Scholarship for Women - VET       
Amount: $2,000               
Scholarships:  Chief Minister's Scholarship for Women - Higher Education
Amount:              $15,000 plus $1,200 for a laptop
Sector:  Higher Education
Scholarships:  Vystan Interiors Scholarship
Amount: $500   
Scholarships:  CDU Equity Scholarship
Amount: $500   
Sector:Higher Education
Scholarships:  Central Australian Hospital Network Governing Council Nursing Scholarship
Amount: $2,000               
Sector:Higher Education              
Cheers Indigenous Teaching and Learning Scholarship    $3,000   Higher Education
For more information about the details of the scholarships and how to apply:


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